Unfolding the 'Jugar' Conjugation Chart in Spanish

May 19th, 2023 - Vera

In the Spanish language, ‘jugar’ is a common verb that translates as ‘to play.’ Whether you’re talking about sports, games, or play in a broader sense, ‘jugar’ is the verb you’ll use. ‘Jugar’ is unique as it is an ‘u’ to ‘ue’ stem-changing verb, making its conjugation slightly irregular. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ‘jugar’ conjugation chart, providing an in-depth overview across multiple tenses and moods.

Jugar in the Present Tense

In the present tense, ‘jugar’ undergoes a stem change from ‘u’ to ‘ue’. Here’s the conjugation:

Person Spanish
I play Yo juego
You (informal) play Tú juegas
He/She/It plays/You (formal) play Él/Ella/Usted juega
We play Nosotros/Nosotras jugamos
You (plural, informal) play Vosotros/Vosotras jugáis
They play/You (plural, formal) play Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes juegan

Notice that the ‘u’ to ‘ue’ change occurs in all forms except ‘nosotros/nosotras’ and ‘vosotros/vosotras.’

Jugar in the Preterite Tense

The preterite tense of ‘jugar’ follows the regular conjugation pattern for ‘-ar’ verbs:

Person Spanish
I played Yo jugué
You (informal) played Tú jugaste
He/She/It played/You (formal) played Él/Ella/Usted jugó
We played Nosotros/Nosotras jugamos
You (plural, informal) played Vosotros/Vosotras jugasteis
They played/You (plural, formal) played Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes jugaron

Jugar in the Imperfect Tense

The imperfect tense of ‘jugar’ also follows the regular conjugation pattern for ‘-ar’ verbs:

Person Spanish
I was playing/used to play Yo jugaba
You (informal) were playing/used to play Tú jugabas
He/She/It was playing/used to play/You (formal) were playing/used to play Él/Ella/Usted jugaba
We were playing/used to play Nosotros/Nosotras jugábamos
You (plural, informal) were playing/used to play Vosotros/Vosotras jugabais
They were playing/used to play/You (plural, formal) were playing/used to play Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes jugaban

Jugar in the Future Tense

In the future tense, ‘jugar’ follows the standard future tense conjugation pattern:

Person Spanish
I will play Yo jugaré
You (informal) will play Tú jugarás
He/She/It will play/You (formal) will play Él/Ella/Usted jugará
We will play Nosotros/Nosotras jugaremos
You (plural, informal) will play Vosotros/Vosotras jugaréis
They will play/You (plural, formal) will play Ellos/E
llas/Ustedes jugarán

Jugar in the Conditional Tense

The conditional tense of ‘jugar’ follows the regular conditional tense conjugation pattern:

Person Spanish
I would play Yo jugaría
You (informal) would play Tú jugarías
He/She/It would play/You (formal) would play Él/Ella/Usted jugaría
We would play Nosotros/Nosotras jugaríamos
You (plural, informal) would play Vosotros/Vosotras jugaríais
They would play/You (plural, formal) would play Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes jugarían

Jugar in the Subjunctive Mood

In the present subjunctive mood, ‘jugar’ continues to have a stem change from ‘u’ to ‘ue’. Here’s how it’s conjugated:

Person Spanish
I play Yo juegue
You (informal) play Tú juegues
He/She/It play/You (formal) play Él/Ella/Usted juegue
We play Nosotros/Nosotras juguemos
You (plural, informal) play Vosotros/Vosotras juguéis
They play/You (plural, formal) play Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes jueguen

Note again that the stem change does not occur in the ‘nosotros/nosotras’ and ‘vosotros/vosotras’ forms.

Common Phrases with Jugar

  1. ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol?: Do you want to play soccer?
  2. Ayer jugamos a las cartas: Yesterday we played cards.
  3. Jugará en el equipo nacional el próximo año: He/She will play in the national team next year.

In conclusion, ‘jugar’ is an essential verb in Spanish that follows a stem-changing pattern. Understanding and mastering its conjugation will enhance your Spanish fluency significantly. Happy learning!

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