100 Common Spanish Words for Intermediate Learners

May 4th, 2023 - Vera

Learning a new language is always exciting, but it can be challenging as well. As you progress from a beginner to an intermediate level, you will need to expand your vocabulary to be able to communicate more effectively in Spanish. In this article, we will cover 100 common words for Spanish intermediates that will help you improve your language skills and expand your vocabulary.

  1. la calle - street “Calle” means street in Spanish. It is a common word that you will hear and use frequently, especially when giving or receiving directions.

  2. el coche - car “Coche” means car in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when traveling in Spanish-speaking countries or talking about transportation.

  3. el tren - train “Tren” means train in Spanish. Knowing this word is essential for travelers who plan to take the train in Spanish-speaking countries.

  4. el avión - plane “Avión” means plane in Spanish. It is another essential word for travelers who plan to fly to or within a Spanish-speaking country.

  5. la estación - station “Estación” means station in Spanish. You will use this word when referring to train stations, bus stations, or subway stations.

  6. el aeropuerto - airport “Aeropuerto” means airport in Spanish. This word is useful for travelers who are flying to or from Spanish-speaking countries.

  7. el autobús - bus “Autobús” means bus in Spanish. It is a common mode of transportation in Spanish-speaking countries.

  8. la parada de autobús - bus stop “Parada de autobús” means bus stop in Spanish. You will use this phrase when giving or receiving directions or when asking about transportation.

  9. el metro - subway “Metro” means subway in Spanish. It is a common mode of transportation in larger cities in Spanish-speaking countries.

  10. la estación de metro - subway station “Estación de metro” means subway station in Spanish. You will use this phrase when referring to subway stations or when giving or receiving directions.

  11. el taxi - taxi “Taxi” means taxi in Spanish. It is a common mode of transportation in Spanish-speaking countries.

  12. la reserva - reservation “Reserva” means reservation in Spanish. You will use this word when booking hotels, restaurants, or transportation.

  13. el hotel - hotel “Hotel” means hotel in Spanish. It is a common word that you will use when traveling and booking accommodations.

  14. la habitación - room “Habitación” means room in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when booking accommodations or when talking about your living arrangements.

  15. el baño - bathroom “Baño” means bathroom in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when asking for directions or when looking for a restroom.

  16. la ducha - shower “Ducha” means shower in Spanish. You will use this word when talking about your daily routine or when booking accommodations.

  17. la bañera - bathtub “Bañera” means bathtub in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when booking accommodations or when talking about your living arrangements.

  18. el agua caliente - hot water “Agua caliente” means hot water in Spanish. It is a useful phrase to know when talking about your daily routine or when booking accommodations.

  19. el agua fría - cold water “Agua fría” means cold water in Spanish. It is a useful phrase to know when talking about your daily routine or when booking accommodations.

  20. el aire acondicionado - air conditioning “Aire acondicionado” means air conditioning in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when bookingaccommodations, especially in warm climates.

  21. la calefacción - heating “Calefacción” means heating in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when booking accommodations, especially in colder climates.

  22. la comida - food “Comida” means food in Spanish. It is a common word that you will use when talking about your meals or when ordering food in a restaurant.

  23. el desayuno - breakfast “Desayuno” means breakfast in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your daily routine.

  24. el almuerzo - lunch “Almuerzo” means lunch in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your daily routine.

  25. la cena - dinner “Cena” means dinner in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your daily routine.

  26. el postre - dessert “Postre” means dessert in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your meals.

  27. la bebida - drink “Bebida” means drink in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering drinks in a restaurant or when talking about your daily routine.

  28. el vino - wine “Vino” means wine in Spanish. It is a common drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  29. la cerveza - beer “Cerveza” means beer in Spanish. It is a popular drink in Spanish-speaking countries and a useful word to know when ordering drinks in a restaurant.

  30. el agua - water “Agua” means water in Spanish. It is a basic word that you will use frequently, especially when ordering drinks in a restaurant.

  31. el zumo - juice “Zumo” means juice in Spanish. It is a common drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  32. el café - coffee “Café” means coffee in Spanish. It is a popular drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  33. el té - tea “Té” means tea in Spanish. It is a popular drink in Spanish-speaking countries and a useful word to know when ordering drinks in a restaurant.

  34. el pan - bread “Pan” means bread in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  35. la carne - meat “Carne” means meat in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  36. el pollo - chicken “Pollo” means chicken in Spanish. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  37. el cerdo - pork “Cerdo” means pork in Spanish. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  38. el pescado - fish “Pescado” means fish in Spanish. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  39. las verduras - vegetables “Verduras” means vegetables in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your diet.

  40. la fruta - fruit “Fruta” means fruit in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering food in a restaurant or when talking about your diet.

  41. el arroz - rice “Arroz” means rice in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  42. las papas - potatoes “Papas” means potatoes in Spanish. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  43. el queso - cheese “Queso” means cheese in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  44. los huevos - eggs “Huevos” means eggs in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering breakfast in a restaurant.

  45. el aceite - oil “Aceite” means oil in Spanish. It is a basic ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  46. la sal - salt “Sal” means salt in Spanish. It is a basic seasoning in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  47. el azúcar - sugar “Azúcar” means sugar in Spanish. It is a basic ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  48. la mantequilla - butter “Mantequilla” means butter in Spanish. It is a basic ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  49. el aceite de oliva - olive oil “Aceite de oliva” means olive oil in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  50. el vinagre - vinegar “Vinagre” means vinegar in Spanish. It is a basic ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  51. el ajo - garlic “Ajo” means garlic in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  52. la cebolla - onion “Cebolla” means onion in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  53. el tomate - tomato “Tomate” means tomato in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  54. el limón - lemon “Limón” means lemon in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in cooking and a useful word to know when reading recipes.

  55. la naranja - orange “Naranja” means orange in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  56. la manzana - apple “Manzana” means apple in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  57. la banana - banana “Banana” means banana in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  58. la fresa - strawberry “Fresa” means strawberry in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  59. la piña - pineapple “Piña” means pineapple in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  60. el mango - mango “Mango” means mango in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  61. la uva - grape “Uva” means grape in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  62. el pan - bread “Pan” means bread in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  63. el agua - water “Agua” means water in Spanish. It is a basic drink that you will use frequently, especially when ordering in a restaurant.

  64. la leche - milk “Leche” means milk in Spanish. It is a basic drink and ingredient in cooking that you will use frequently.

  65. el té - tea “Té” means tea in Spanish. It is a common drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  66. el café - coffee “Café” means coffee in Spanish. It is a common drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  67. la cerveza - beer “Cerveza” means beer in Spanish. It is a common alcoholic drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  68. el vino - wine “Vino” means wine in Spanish. It is a common alcoholic drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  69. el refresco - soda “Refresco” means soda in Spanish. It is a common drink in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  70. el hielo - ice “Hielo” means ice in Spanish. It is a useful word to know when ordering drinks in a restaurant.

  71. la carne - meat “Carne” means meat in Spanish. It is a basic food item that you will use frequently, especially when ordering food in a restaurant.

  72. el pollo - chicken “Pollo” means chicken in Spanish. It is a common type of meat in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  73. el cerdo - pork “Cerdo” means pork in Spanish. It is a common type of meat in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  74. la res - beef “Res” means beef in Spanish. It is a common type of meat in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  75. el pescado - fish “Pescado” means fish in Spanish. It is a common type of meat in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  76. el marisco - seafood “Marisco” means seafood in Spanish. It is a common type of food in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  77. el arroz con pollo - chicken and rice “Arroz con pollo” means chicken and rice in Spanish. It is a common dish in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this phrase frequently.

  78. la paella - paella “Paella” is a Spanish dish made with rice, seafood, chicken, and vegetables. It is a popular dish in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  79. la tortilla - tortilla “Tortilla” is a type of flatbread made with flour or cornmeal. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  80. el chorizo - chorizo “Chorizo” is a type of sausage made with pork, paprika, and other spices. It is a common food item in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  81. el jamón - ham “Jamón” means ham in Spanish. It is acommon type of meat in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  82. la ensalada - salad “Ensalada” means salad in Spanish. It is a common side dish in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  83. el aceite de oliva - olive oil “Aceite de oliva” means olive oil in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this phrase frequently.

  84. el vinagre - vinegar “Vinagre” means vinegar in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  85. la sal - salt “Sal” means salt in Spanish. It is a common seasoning in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  86. la pimienta - pepper “Pimienta” means pepper in Spanish. It is a common seasoning in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  87. el ajo - garlic “Ajo” means garlic in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  88. la cebolla - onion “Cebolla” means onion in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  89. el tomate - tomato “Tomate” means tomato in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  90. el pimiento - bell pepper “Pimiento” means bell pepper in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  91. el aguacate - avocado “Aguacate” means avocado in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  92. el limón - lemon “Limón” means lemon in Spanish. It is a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  93. la naranja - orange “Naranja” means orange in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  94. la manzana - apple “Manzana” means apple in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  95. el plátano - banana “Plátano” means banana in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  96. la fresa - strawberry “Fresa” means strawberry in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  97. el melón - melon “Melón” means melon in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  98. la sandía - watermelon “Sandía” means watermelon in Spanish. It is a common fruit in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  99. el helado - ice cream “Helado” means ice cream in Spanish. It is a common dessert in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

  100. el pastel - cake “Pastel” means cake in Spanish. It is a common dessert in Spanish-speaking countries, and you will hear and use this word frequently.

In conclusion, these 100 common Spanish words for intermediates are essential to master the Spanish language. Learning these words will allow you to communicate effectively in a variety of settings and situations, whether it be ordering food at a restaurant, asking for directions, or making small talk with a Spanish speaker.

As you continue to learn and practice Spanish, remember that vocabulary is just one aspect of language learning. It is also important to focus on grammar, pronunciation, and listening skills. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the language.

Additionally, it is helpful to immerse yourself in Spanish-speaking cultures through music, films, books, and other media. This will not only improve your language skills, but also give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of the language and its people.

In conclusion, mastering these 100 common Spanish words for intermediates is an important step in becoming a proficient Spanish speaker. Whether you are studying Spanish for travel, work, or personal enrichment, these words will serve as a strong foundation for your language learning journey.

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